

Cost Recovery Suite

Cost Recovery Copitrak_Touch_Logo

A dedicated specialist in cost recovery since 1983; a specialized program of cost recovery and expense management, helps professional firms maximize recoveries. Learn More


Email is still the communication media of choice. There are many reasons why emails need to be printed, but it is often unnecessary to print whole conversations. However just to print the required sections is time consuming, can cause unnecessary paper waste and increases print costs. Learn More

Nth Degree Technologies

Intake and Expense

Nth Degree Technologies has developed the leading software platform, Matter Expert, that seamlessly integrates with legal financial systems to streamline tedious and time-consuming workflow processes with solutions.  Learn More

File Sharing & Collaboration

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Hubshare is an extranet that provides firms with a secure and efficient way of managing information, while enhancing communications and collaboration with colleagues and clients. It integrates seamlessly with your document management system allowing users to create their own extranet in a few quick steps. It also integrates with many practice management systems enabling firms to provide up-to-date management information to their clients all from within a single, powerful portal. Learn More

The Digital Binder

Nikec Binder is a virtual ring-binder to view, review, mark up and present your documents in the office or on the move.The Digital Binder is designed to provide tools to allow users to view their documents in a format as similar to paper as possible.Learn More
